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Process Intelligence Kit for M-Files

Gather, transform and prepare data for process mining and analysis.

Process Intelligence Kit icon

Gather, transform and load data for analyzing processes

Use your data to understand and improve your business. Extract data from M-Files into any process mining solution for further process analysis.
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Gather Data

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Export logs

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Easy configuration

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Prepare data for analysis

Use your data to drive better business decisions​

Process Intelligence Kit is an M-Files add-on for ETL process (Extraction, Transformation and Load) from M-Files to a specific database. Easily export M-Files log data or M-Files audit to a specific database for further process modeling and analysis.

Using Process Intelligence Kit, exporting data from M-Files enables you to use the data for process modeling and understanding how complex processes perform in reality.

Extract time and performance metrics from M-Files workflows. Use the data to analyze process performance by using external process mining solutions and improve your processes.

Enrich event logs with additional data from M-Files properties. Easily add properties to logs in the Process Intelligence Kit configuration before exporting.

Filter data for export. Choose which objects, accounts and properties are included in the export, for example, export only invoices above a certain amount, or in a specific year.
Export the logs from M-Files, analyze complex workflows, their performance and time between states. Find bottlenecks and use the logs in the process mining solution to improve them.
Want to know more?

Explore Process Intelligence Kit in our Customer portal. Find the documentation, use cases and FAQs.

Process mining platforms we offer

ABBYY Timeline logo

ABBYY Timeline

Process intelligence platform that models your business process operations in order to analyze and identify bottlenecks, as well as to predict future outcomes.

Process Advisor logo

Process Advisor

A process mining tool that identifies processes and displays maps to recognize performance issues and discover automation opportunities.

Process Intelligence Kit for M-Files

Use your data to drive better business decisions


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