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M-Files Notifications

Advanced M-Files email notifications

More options for sending email notifications from M-Files – internally and externally.
Sending email from M-Files with Notifications

Work better with email automation in M-Files

Usually, business use cases require sending emails internally, as well as externally. Extension Kit can help you automate sending emails to both external and internal parties, in specific state or when object is changed or created; with the content of the email fully customized.
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Send emails with attachments

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Send an email when a user writes a comment

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Send automatic emails to external email addresses

Send emails with attachments

Expand the built-in M-Files mailing functionality.

Define state actions in which you can send emails to external email addresses (not just the ones defined in M-Files) or emails with attachments. Attachments can be documents going through workflow itself or any referenced documents.

Fully customizable email content

Define statically or dynamically all important email fields such as To, Cc, Bcc, Subject and Body.

Email body can be simple text, but also rich HTML content that you can fully customize and use M-Files placeholders for defining the content you want to send.

Improve team collaboration inside M-Files

Significantly improve the collaboration and comment functionality of the M-Files.

Define for which objects in M-Files you would like to send automatic email notifications when somebody writes a comment. Specify more advanced options such as:

  • notifying everyone who edited the object previously
  • sending a single email to all recipients
  • separate email to each of the recipients

Extension Kit for M-Files

Save time on implementation AND get more for your clients

Extension Kit gives you the leverage as an M-Files partner and helps you deliver a better solution faster, with better customer satisfaction.


Introducing AI Document Kit: Add-on for AI-driven Document Management