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Introducing AI Document Kit: Add-on for AI-driven Document Management

Join us in this webinar to meet a new M-Files add-on – AI Document Kit. Discover how you can classify and analyze documents using AI-driven technology integrated directly with M-Files without coding.

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What to expect from the webinar

  • Discover how AI Document Kit integrates Azure AI Document Intelligence services with M-Files.
  • Discover AI Document Kit’s functionalities.
  • Learn how AI Document Kit is used for document analysis through a product demo, showing a use case focused on analyzing invoices.
  • Learn more about the product’s roadmap, including upcoming features and enhancements.


  • Introduction
  • About AI Document Kit
  • Product Demo
  • Q&A

Who is this webinar for

M-Files partners and users

About the speaker

Dino Grgić, Software Engineer

Dino Grgić is a software engineer at Unitfly primarily focused on crafting innovative solutions as part of the Toolkit products development team. Being passionate about knowledge sharing, Dino seizes opportunities to impart his insights and experiences, whether through mentoring colleagues or speaking at meetups, webinars, or conferences.    


Introducing AI Document Kit: Add-on for AI-driven Document Management