Validate required information on Person when a contract is created #
Customer is using M-Files in Human Resources for managing employees, contract, and documents. When they are creating an employment agreement, Person’s personal number is required information (Picture 1). The personal number can’t be a required field on a Person’s object as you don’t send that info before you actually hire that person. You need to validate that contract isn’t created without it and added later on manually.
Configuration of Validation #
Source object is Contract, and validation is done on referenced object Person (Picture 3).
Referenced object Person is connected via person property on an Employment contract (Picture 4). Property Personal ID is validated that is not empty.
With this validation rule, a contract can’t be check-out if personal ID property is empty. Error will be like on Picture 5. We can add more Validation Rules in same Property validation rule. For example, we can also check that Last Name is not empty.
Player has to be an adult, over 18 to sign-in scholarship agreement #
Customer is a football club with a very big youth academy. When young players are signing scholarship agreements if they are not over 18, they need to have a guardian or parent present when they are signing the contract. Parent or guardian is also signing a contract. With extended validation, M-Files will check if there is a guardian not empty when the player is under 18.