5.4.2 #
Released on 2024-12-09
Bug fixes
- Http integration
- Save objects – Target Search not working when Source is empty and Static property is not set (#1848)
5.4.1 #
Released on 2024-11-15
Bug fixes
- Insights
- Hide disk backup configuration for cloud release (#1809)
5.4.0 #
Released on 2024-11-12
- New modules
- Insights (#467)
- Archiving (#1591)
- Insights (#467)
- Object Operations
- Add new action Duplicate (#1506)
- Duplicate action – Interval settings – add value from option for dynamic interval properties (#1545)
- Add new action Duplicate (#1506)
- Document Processing
- New action – Split document (#141)
- New actions – Encrypt file/Decrypt file (#1647)
- HTTP Integration
- Support content-type header parameters (#1600)
- Support rule execution without trigger source object (#1719)
- Add option to skip update of objects in Save objects configuration (#1792)
- Support content-type header parameters (#1600)
- Validation module
- Add extended operators to dynamic search conditions in Specify search (#1620)
- Orchestrator
- Add option to set static properties based on a rule error handling behaviour (#1621)
- Excel Reader
- Add option to set static properties (#1632)
- M-Files action – add option to read cell values as strings (#1643)
- Insights
- Configuration backup to Disk (#337)
- Configuration backup to Vault (#467)
- Configuration backup to NVS (#289)
- Send configuration change audit entries to SEQ (#1652)
- Configuration backup to Disk (#337)
- SQL Integration
- Don’t try to map empty values when mapping lookup property by property on lookup object (#1618)
- Dynamic parameters – Add File ID and GUID options (#1650)
- Word Writer
- Insert table from Excel range (#1505)
- Extended Auto Properties
- Support daily recalculation for all date parsers (#1805)
- Data Transfer
- Import action: Add option to encrypt imported files (#1773)
- Reporting
- Export objects via search – Add option to look in AllObjVersions (#1763)
- Other
- Generate mfappx installer instead of zip (#1562)
- Enable using vault search in rules that are orchestrated (#1619)
- Support And operator in dynamic search conditions in Trigger source object (#1623)
- Generate mfappx installer instead of zip (#1562)
Bug fixes
- Excel Reader
- Skipping empty rows from excel (#1559)
- Word Writer
- InsertTable merges tables when multiple InsertTable File actions are invoked (#1578)
- InsertTable File action does not position the table at the original table place in Word (#1579)
- InsertTable merges tables when multiple InsertTable File actions are invoked (#1578)
- HTTP Integration
- File from response not added to object when rule is executed in EH (#1637)
- Replace obsolete Uri.EsacpeUriString with Uri.EscapeDataString (#1640)
- Static properties not set for objects created from response (#1708)
- When multiple files are included in the response, only the filename of the first file is extracted (#1803)
- File from response not added to object when rule is executed in EH (#1637)
- Object Operations
- Create action – Duplicate detection not overwriting file (#1701)
- Document Processing
- Add signature – rule not executed when filename containes escaped characters (#1662)
- Vault to Vault
- Missing boolean value for deleted status field condition (#1702)
- Extended Auto Properties
- Bug with built-in properties in filter and stop conditions (#1501)
5.3.2 #
Released on 2024-08-30
Bug fixes
- Other
- Bug with security attribute ChangeBy for vault admin accounts (#1599)
5.3.1 #
Released on 2024-07-26
Bug fixes
- E-mail notifications
- Attachments selection via Reference returns files from first referenced object only (#1476)
- Ignore (deleted) objects in referenced property when Attachments selection set to Reference (#1478)
5.3.0 #
Released on 2024-07-18
- Extended Permissions
- Fix configuration descriptions (#1470)
- SQL Integration module
- Add option Value from to dynamic queries and parameters in SQL settings (#1445)
- SQL server – extract connection string parameters as separate configuration options (#1463)
- Add option Value from to dynamic queries and parameters in SQL settings (#1445)
- HTTP Integration
- Save files – Add option to update first file when filename is empty and update file content set to true (#1471)
- Show option to convert object to SFD when save files configuration is not empty (#1486)
- Set properties – Add option to set static properties based on a response (#1487)
- Reporting
- Add new setting to Excel settings – ConvertNumericData (#1475)
- Word Writer
- Insert tables to Word (#1466)
- Document Processing
- New action – Add blank page (#1498)
Bug fixes
- Other
- Passwords are not hidden in collection items (#1331)
5.2.0 #
Released on 2024-06-26
New modules
- Extended Permissions (#1244)
- Word writer (#1165)
- SQL integration module
- Add option to set static properties (#1427)
- Add option to set properties on – Targets (#1345)
- Reporting
- Enable selecting background execution mode (#1404)
- Objects to export – Add option to search targets by reference (#1325)
- Advanced word report with paragraphs, tables and text (#1217)
- Document processing
- On replace file action keep original file name (#1415)
- Add option for dynamic values when setting Merged file name (#1315)
- Add option to delete (remove) file from object (#1364)
- Add option to add or replace file (#1296)
- Add option to add barcode/qr code (#190)
- Add option to read barcode (#1284)
- Excel reader
- Add option to Skip existing rows or columns (#1382)
- Map by options for lookup properties in row or column mappings (#1314)
- Add support to extract multiple objects from horizontal range table (#1214)
- Word reader
- Map by options for lookup properties in word mappings (#1361)
- Orchestrator
- Support for FileBased modules (Excel writer and Word writer) (#1287)
- Vault to vault
- Add new action Read. And option to save created object ID on source in Create action (#1247)
- Other
- Add support for OAuth (O365) in E-mail notifications and Reporting module (#709)
Bug fixes
- Data transfer
- Add export folder path type to get static or dynamic folder path (#1207)
- Excel reader
- Handle duplicated rows or columns in excel table data (#1399)
- Document processing
- AddOrReplaceFile action – ReplaceOnCustomObject – keep single file or multi-file behavior (#1316)
- Http integration
- Parsing XML with multiple root element (#1248)
- Filename expression field missing when Filename expression type is Dynamic, Static or XPath (#1192)
- Excel writer
- Content below the range is overwritten in copy range action (#1233)
5.0.0 #
Released on 2024-02-27
- HTTP Integration
- Add PATCH method to HTTP module (#1178)
- Other
- Merge EK and EK cloud repositories (#1097)
- Upgrade VAF and change logging (#1149)
4.8.4 #
Released on 2024-01-31
Bug fixes
- Document processing
- Get file from Reference or Custom object returns only the first object in MergeDocuments file action (#1180)
4.8.2 #
Released on 2024-01-23
Bug fixes
- Orchestrator
- Missing rule picker for Word reader module (#1138)
4.8.0 #
Released on 2024-01-18
New modules
- Excel Writer (#824)
- Word Reader (#646)
- Reporting
- Enable SFD – MFD conversion for AddAsAdditionalFile type of export (#112)
- Setting datatype to multi line text, when using text and multi lookup properties in dynamic condition to avoid trimming long text (#821)
- Add dynamic expression in properties to export (#853)
- Option to set properties on source object (#546)
- Object changed loop – Add validation to configuration and prevent rule execution in such cases (#832)
- Word reader
- Wildcard support for multiple table load (#756)
- Property operations
- Option to choose delimiter for multi select properties (#774)
- Property setter – standardize dynamic search conditions in specify search with vault search (#1024)
- Extended auto properties
- Option to choose delimiter for multi select properties (#774)
- New optional parameter Transliterate in ToLower and ToUpper text expressions, and new text expression Replace (#773)
- Max & Min date auto property functions (#714)
- User Expressions – enable taking login account information (#918)
- Excel reader
- Custom lookup values delimiter in row or column mapping (#819)
- Set properties from source object (#824)
- Excel writer
- Add option to populate sheet cell (#864)
- Object creation
- Add duplicate detection (#889)
- Enable option to choose between single and multi file document (#935)
- Property builder
- Rollback query removed from configuration in property builder module (#787)
- Http integration
- Add support to set object multilookup property from response with result cardinality set to Array (#1011)
- Add object creation from Http response (#1051)
- Save file from XML Http response (#1085)
- Orchestrator
- Validation rule exception with custom message not thrown (#1019)
- Other
- Property Builder TAF tests (#65)
- New operators Is contained in, Is not contained in (#776)
- New trigger – ObjMetadataChanged (#824)
Bug fixes
- Document processing
- Text overlay when adding signatures in location (#972)
- Word reader
- Lookup property delimiter missing in Table mappings (#782)
- Multiple objects failing to create with FromHeader option (#988)
- Empty rows are not skipped in vertical tables (#1076)
- Excel reader
- Horizontal range M-Files action – bug in reading columns from table (#842)
- Bug in reading mixed value types in column from range object (#1015)
- Properties from source object are creating duplicated objects from horizontal range (#1020)
- Excel writer
- Bug in populating multiple file actions in one rule (#879)
- CopyContent action problem with merged cells (#908)
- Bad workbook file format (#948)
- Extended auto properties
- Regex parser does not properly extract value from multiline text property with newlines (#41)
- Property operations
- Property setter – Specify search – Exclude source from search results setting ignored in dynamic conditions (#1059)
- Reporting
- Error with empty duplicate values (Source file from trigger) (#789)
- Object creation
- Duplicate detection – wrong object type setting (#1075)
- Other
- Invalid property change handling for comment and version label (#180)
- Add all possible values to multi-value lookup (#937)
- JSchema not generated due to license limitations (#971)
4.6.4. #
Released on 2023-11-08
Bug fixes
- Mapper
- Correct config-diffs for PropertyErrorHandlingBehaviour in 4.4.0 (#970)
4.6.2. #
Released on 2023-09-07
Bug fixes
- Property operations
- Regex functions not finding objects in lookup properties (#689)
4.6.0 #
Released on 2023-08-31
- Document processing
- New state action – SyncFileNamesWithObjectTitle (#507)
- Excel integration
- Cell “Alias”/Name support (#175)
- Add vertical and horizontal cells range to M-Files actions (#283)
- Update source object (#339)
- Add table range to M-Files actions (#443)
- Replace name range or sheet content on target file (#515)
- SQL integration module
- Add background execution mode (#577)
- Other
- Add One of and Not one of the operators in dynamic search (#434)
Bug fixes
- Document processing
- Line break doesn’t work on text placeholder signatures (#152)
- Validation module
- Problem with One of operator (#631)
- Reporting
- Duplicated lines in excel report (#736)
4.4.14 #
Released on 2023-07-14
Bug fixes
- Excel integration
- Clear error property on success after retry (#575)
- Reporting
- Duplicating items in excel report (#614)
4.4.12 #
Released on 2023-05-25
Bug fixes
- Extended assignments
- Approvement object not added on source (#548)
4.4.10 #
Released on 2023-05-18
Bug fixes
- Property operations
- Append text property from child objects to parent object is not working (#528)
4.4.8. #
Released on 2023-05-04
Bug fixes
- Excel integration
- Custom database schemas bug (#508)
4.4.6. #
Released on 2023-04-12
Bug fixes
- HTTP Integration
- File update error on multifile object (#473)
- Other
- Scheduled rules are not scheduled when server is on UTC- timezone (#479)
4.4.4. #
Released on 2023-04-03
Bug fixes
- Configuration mapper
- Configuration mapper move key failing when moving to child object (#417)
4.4.2. #
Released on 2023-03-29
Bug fixes
- Document processing
- AddSignature action – get image path from placeholder text (#444)
4.4.0 #
Released on 2023-03-20
- Http integration
- Setting properties from multipart response (#160)
- Remove empty elements from HTTP body (#403)
- Excel integration
- Add name on excel action (#340)
- Add enable option on excel action rule (#342)
- Extension methods
- Allow executing scheduled rules without source object (#428)
- Validation module
- Added object deleted trigger (#427)
- SQL integration module
- Allow executing scheduled rules without source object (#309)
- Other
- Added Cron expressions to Frequency options in scheduled rules (#109)
- Error handling behaviour for property setters on single rule (#110)
- Added ObjectProperty option in mapping property by ObjectLookup (#91)
Bug fixes
- Document processing
- Error when adding new file on single-file object (#395)
- Excel integration
- Issue with schemas in database (#364)
4.2.16 #
Released on 2023-03-15
Bug fixes
- Document processing
- Document name changed when undoing PDF conversion (#425)
4.2.14 #
Released on 2023-03-08
Bug fixes
- HTTP integration
- When file update is selected, the rule is looped (#415)
- HTTP Response On Success does not work if response is 201: Created (#404)
4.2.12 #
Released on 2023-02-28
Bug fixes
- Logging
- Logs are not displayed in dashboard (#411)
- Other
- Installation blocked (#410)
- Scheduled rules not rescheduled (#412)
4.2.10 #
Released on 2023-02-20
Bug fixes
- Document processing
- Document Processing version Label from gets overwritten (#394)
- Orchestrator
- Orchestrator rules not being scheduled (#397)
- Other
- Daily property recalculation not rescheduled (#392)
- Messages forwarded from Event Log multiplicated in Seq (#363)
- Multiple instances of scheduled rules running (#376)
- Messages forwarded from Event Log multiplicated in Seq (#363)
- Daily property recalculation not rescheduled (#392)
4.2.8. #
Released on 2023-02-06
- HTTP integration
- Update file in vault from HTTP response (#92)
- Set property both on error and on success (#147)
- Logging improvements (#116)
- Data transfer
- Create single or multifile documents on import (#301)
- Extended property operations
- Contains operator error (#103)
- When selected Copy mode is FromSourceToTarget add new option in rule config TriggerOnSourceOnly, and when is true rule will be triggered only when changes are made on source (#295)
- Logging
- Enable/disable app dashboard sink (#311)
- Batching in dashboard log sink (#360)
- Better event log forwarding (#363)
- Configuration
- Enable/disable configuration flag for rule groups (#196)
- Separate OnDelete & OnDestroy triggers (#94)
- Rename Object templates module (#298)
- Improvements to Result M-Files property type (#107)
- Extension methods
- Specify search option (#104)
- Other
- Clear old transaction data from NVS (#359)
Bug fixes
- Configuration
- Trigger object not shown in configuration when default trigger is used and Single object mode is selected in Calculated properties (#159)
- Missing field for declaring static value (#297)
- Data transfer
- Too long path of temporary files (#300)
- Auto Properties
- Regex expression does not work with groups (#338)
- Excel integration
- SQL query parameter values not included in error message (#361)
- Extended reporting
- Error handling for duplicate documents on object (#114)
- Extended auto numbering properties
- Custom numbering type – increment is not working as expected (#204)
- Other
- Scheduled rules stop executing after some time (#195)
- Lock conflict issue (#253)
4.2.6 #
Released on 2022-11-22
- Excel integration
- SQL sink in Excel integration module (#40)
- HTTP integration
- OAuth support in HTTP integration module (#139)
- Email notifications
- Option to send Digest e-mail as single or separate e-mails (#130)
- Set properties option in E-mail notification rules (#138)
- Orchestrator
- Support for Auto properties in orchestration (#90)
- Vault to vault
- Better options when setting lookup based target properties (#108)
- Auto Numbering Properties
- Integer format option in Simple numbering (#203)
- Other
- New module names in configuration (#212)
Bug fixes
- SQL integration module
- Date Data Type missing in list of available properties for Stored procedure parameters (#58)
- Missing configuration for SQL parmeter default value when Specify option is selected (#)
- Extended reporting
- Error generating Extended reporting export via mail when no trigger object is selected (#192)
- HTTP integration
- HTTP credentials not working when URL is dynamic expression (#197)
- Orchestrator
- Not all orchestrated rules get executed (#213)
- Property operations
- Event Handler task is triggered twice and object locks (#216)
- Data transfer
- Property setter for “Set as name” does not override default value (#217)
- Too long path of temporary files generates ‘FileNotFound’ error (#219)
- Files not imported when Hierarchy import is configured (#251)
- Better log messages (#252)
- Dashboard
- Digest rules shown on dashboard as Run Once rules (#80)
- Dashboard generation invalid character error (#83)
- Configuration
- Missing Trigger source settings when ObjectLeftState trigger is selected (#115)
- Configuration mapping bugs (#56)
- Other
- Background Tasks errors not logged (#105)
4.2.4 #
Released on 2022-09-19
Bug fixes
- Extension method response not logged when extension method is executed
- Conditions incorrectly not matched when changing workflow states in event handler
4.2.2 #
Released on 2022-08-23
- Configuration
- New dynamic search filter in trigger source
- Dashboard
- Removed warning logs generated on dashboard refresh
- Added Refresh button
- SQL integration module
- Parameters for SQL queries
- Configurable timeout for SQL queries
- Document processing module
- Convert Word file before Merging with PDFs
- Execution mode for Document Processing
- Extended property operations module
- Changing workflow state property in event handler
Bug fixes
- Configuration
- Duplicate values in multi select lookup properties behavior fixed
- Digest rules not executed fixed
- Security improvements
- SQL integration module
- Return value mapping fixed
- Rollback query not executed fixed
- Data Transfer module
- Wrong title used in Data Transfer file import fixed
- Email notifications module
- Digest notification not working fixded
- Extended reporting module
- Export on disk error fixed
4.2.1 #
- Sftp export option in Extended reporting, (#389)
Bug fixes
- Exporting on disk does not work in Extended reporting (#388)
- Dashboard unavailable when there are too many tasks (#387)
- Validation module – Bug in Does not contain operator (#386)
4.2.0 #
Released on 2022-05-23
- Add delay option to all background tasks (#371)
- Support OR and AND operators in Dynamic search filters for Value from (#367)
- New option in ValueFrom: Specify (#361)
- Transactional and non-transactional background execution modes (#357)
- New module – AutoStateTransition (#333)
Bug fixes
- Missing error details in log when getting tasks for module fails (#384)
- Data transfer transaction timeout (#383)
- Data transfer deleting entire folder after file import (#380)
- Dynamic search stops too early (#379)
- Filename option in HTTP module allows invalid filenames (#378)
- Error details missing when commiting rule changes with error handling behavior continue (#375)
- Document processing placeholder signature formatting not working (#365)
- Schedule trigger not working (#353)
4.2.0 #
Released on 2022-03-23
Breaking change
- Extended options in Data transfer import/export (#344)
- Orchestrated rule and module dropdowns in Orchestrator (#362)
- Network connection support in Data transfer module (#331)
- Service credentials improvements in HTTP module (#355)
- Filename dynamic HTTP body parameter (#336)
- Support for multi file documents in HTTP body (#338)
- Set multiple properties in SQL integration (#332)
- Support referencing SQL column names with their full name (schema + name, in square brackets) (#349)
- SQL parameter values logged (#350)
- File Parser in Auto properties module (#339)
- Vault Search with dynamic conditions in Document Processing (#340)
- Configurable rolling interval for log files and fixed retention policies labels (#335)
- Debug logging improvements (#343)
Bug fixes
- Wrong execution context in Orchestrator module (#328)
- Format lookups Auto properties expression does not work when no property is specified (#359)
- Wrong default value of stored procedure parameter (#351)
- Property condition for target vault not working in Vault to Vault module (#348)
- Trigger object not shown in Property Calculation rules (#347)
- Special characters not escaped in HTTP body (#337)
- Decimals not displayed correctly in HTTP json body (#329)
- Process all delivery notifications, not just the first received (#341)
- Configuration mapper Move action does not work correctly with array items (#342)
- Change all moveKey actions to pushUp in configuration remap json files (#360)
4.1.0 #
Released on 2022-01-27
- Orchestrated rule and module dropdowns in Orchestrator (#362)
- Service credentials improvements in HTTP module (#355)
- SQL parameter values logged (#350)
- Support referencing column names with their full name (schema + name, in square brackets) (#349)
- BREAKING CHANGE: Extended options in Data transfer import/export (#344)
- Debug logging improvements (#343)
- Vault Search with dynamic conditions in Document Processing (#340)
- File Parser in Auto properties module (#339)
- Support for multi file documents in HTTP body (#338)
- Filename dynamic HTTP body parameter (#336)
- Configurable rolling interval for log files and fixed retention policies labels (#335)
- Set multiple properties in SQL integration (#332)
- Network connection support in Data transfer module (#331)
Bug fixes
- Change all moveKey actions to pushUp in configuration remap json files (#360)
- Format lookups Auto properties expression does not work when no property specified (#359)
- Wrong default value of stored procedure parameter (#351)
- Property condition for target vault not working in Vault to Vault module (#348)
- Trigger object not shown in Property Calculation rules (#347)
- Configuration mapper Move action does not work correctly with array items (#342)
- Process all delivery notifications, not just the first received (#341)
- Special characters not escaped in HTTP body (#337)
- Decimals not displayed correctly in HTTP json body (#329)
- Wrong execution context in Orchestrator module (#328)
4.0.3 #
Released on 2022-01-27
- Match all or any property validation rules (#330)
4.0.2. #
Released on 2022-01-20
- NOWTZ Auto properties function (#289)
- Deleted status condition (#285)
Bug fixes
- File import to Sftp server unsuccessful (#327)
4.0.1 #
Released on 2021-12-21
- External ID in Status Field conditions (#319)
- Trusted hosts in HTTP integration module (#317)
- Dynamic values in status field conditions (#315)
- Option to delete/destroy object after successful export (#312)
- Optional property parameter in Format lookups Auto properties function (#311)
- Log file size limit (#307)
Bug fixes
- Document processing Merge action DeleteOriginalFile used even if its hidden in configuration (#313)
- Error in merge when Filename wildcards are not set (#310)
- Ambigous error message in property builder properties calculation (#309)
4.0.0 #
Released on 2021-12-06
- VAF 2.3 migration (#304)
Bug fixes
- Outdated run once and recalculate data when executing commands (#283)
3.11.1 #
Released on 2021-11-27
- Property builder configuration not mapped correctly (#306)
Bug fixes
- Document processing merge state action deletes non merged file (#305)
3.11.0 #
Released on 2021-11-16
- Remove template properties from new object in Extended object creation (#303)
- Template search and source as template in Extended object creation (#302)
- Rollback action in HTTP module (#301)
- Undo pdf conversion state action in Document processing (#300)
- Document processing merge action source file cannot be the same as the trigger file (#298)
- Undo merge state action in Document processing (#295)
- Rollback query in SQL integration (#294)
Bug fixes
- Decimal numbers incorrectly converted to text in cultures where comma is used as decimal separator (#299)
- Wrong iterator help text in Extended object creation configuration (#288)
3.10.2 #
Released on 2021-11-02
Bug fixes
- Run once and scheduled Extension methods rules not triggered (#291)
- Document processing tries to delete non-existing file on merge (#290)
3.10.1 #
Released on 2021-10-27
- Support for text based properties in SQL parameter property setter. (#287)
3.10.0 #
Released on 2021-10-19
- Add Environment in the configuration that can be referenced with Alias in all modules. (#279)
- Exclude non working days in all date based functions (#278)
- Configurable Execution mode in Property operations (#277)
- Expand placeholders in textual SQL and HTTP parameters (#275)
- Vault to vault sync (#274)
- OnDelete trigger in SQL integration, HTTP integration and Extension methods modules (#273)
- Error handling behavior in SQL integration, HTTP integration and Extension methods modules (#271)
- Merge documents action in Document processing (#247)
Bug fixes
- Vault search result incorrectly set as rule source in Excel integration module (#281)
- Documet processing execution ignores filter conditions for matched rules (#280)
- LookInAllObjectVersions does not work for search conditions (#276)
- Limit max length of log message in dashboard (#272)
3.9.0 #
Released on 2021-08-03
- Authentication for HTTP rule groups (#269)
- Support non numeric external IDs in SQL results (#265)
- Execution mode explained (#262)
- Excel integration module (#261)
3.8.1 #
Released at 2021-07-27
Bug fixes
- Extended object templates module not shown in configuration (#266)
3.8.0 #
Released on 2021-07-15
- More options in Hourly schedule (#260)
- Yearly schedule (#259)
- Index lookups function (#257)
- Support for e-mail address lookup in HTTP and SQL parameters (#256)
- Support for files in HTTP, SQL parameters (#253)
- Remove existing watermark and signatures flag false by default (#252)
- Support for external IDs in integration modules (#250)
- Monitored properties condition (#248)
- Better logging in run once, scheduled and recalculate actions (#245)
- Rename code structures to reflect module names (#222)
Bug fixes
- Properties calculated incorrectly when depending on another calculated properties (#244)
- Add as additional incorrect behavior (#211)
3.7.2 #
Released on 2021-06-16
Bug fixes
- Multiple e-mail adresses from property not parsed correctly (#251)
3.7.1 #
Released on 2021-06-08
- Update metadata flag in Auto properties module (#249)
3.7.0 #
Released on 2021-05-15
- Update metadata in file flag in Property calculations, Property operations and Object creation (#243)
- Business critical flag in rule config (#241)
- Multiple files as attachments in e-mail notification (#237)
- Support for e-mail delivery notification (#236)
Bug fixes
- Signature size in document processing better explained (#242)
- Auto properties not working for multi select lookups (#240)
- Image signature not inserted (#239)
- Last object not exported (#238)
- Logging – Name of rules missing (#223)
3.6.0 #
Released on 2021-04-13
- Recalculate option in property based modules (#224)
- Support for textbox over signature (#219)
Bug fixes
- Whitespace normalization (#226)
- Opacity not working on addsignature (#212)
3.5.3 #
Released on 2021-03-22
- Exclude objects with nonempty property values from auto numbering recalculate (#213)
- Regex validation (#10)
Bug fixes
- Property recalculate executed too many times in property based modules (#215)
- Value list item based HTTP body variables always passed as string (#214)
3.5.2 #
Released on 2021-03-09
- Document Processing fallback when no version in history is labeled (#210)
- Simple auto numbering and versioning available for text properties (#204)
Bug fixes
- On demand property recalculation timeouts (#208)
- Custom version comparison (#207)
- Recalculation of auto numbering properties (#206)
- Invalid regex set as default regex value (#205)
- Duplicated regex functions and parameters shown by default in property setter (#189)
3.5.1 #
Released on 2021-03-03
- Support letters and digits combination in custom versioning (#202)
Bug fixes
- Custom version increment not working (#201)
3.5.0 #
Released on 2021-03-01
- Module events page number in application dashboard (#199)
- Connectionstring examples in configuration (#198)
- Test Connection button for Mail server setup in E-mail notifications module (#192)
- Better modules execution order in event handlers (#191)
- Optional http requests and responses logging (#190)
- Result formatting based on data type in Http integration module (#187)
- Configurable http request timeout (#185)
- Option to create objects and value list items if they don’t exist in Http, Sql and Extension metods modules (#183)
- Variables in http body (#168)
Bug fixes
- IsEmpty operator deos not work with boolean properties (#197)
- E-mail server not initialized on application start (#195)
- Wrong search conditions used in property operations module when vault search configured to find targets (#194)
- Calculated text property value not being trimmed (#193)
- Xpath query in http integration not working with namespace prefixes (#184)
3.4.3 #
Released on 2021-02-10
- Value list item external ID in integrations dynamic property setter (#188)
3.4.2 #
Released on 2021-02-01
- Auto numbering value reset settings in config (#179)
3.4.1 #
Released on 2021-01-30
- Workflow state change allowed in single object property operations (#109)
3.4.0 #
Released on 2021-01-27
- Version number formatting in versioning and numbering modules (#173)
- Custom version numbers in versioning and numbering modules (#172)
- Two part version numbers in versioning and numbering modules (#171)
3.3.1 #
Released on 2021-01-25
Bug fixes
- Lookup value conversion bug (#170)
3.3.0 #
Released on 2021-01-19
- Http integration – separate source and target objects in configuration (#165)
- Always search option in auto numbering (#156)
- Logging module (#127)
- Extension methods module (#119)
- Rules groupping in configuration (#82)
Bug fixes
- HTTP Content-Type header not set properly in all classes (#166)
- Raw HTTP body not expanding placeholders in configuration (#164)
- Reporting e-mail server not initialized on application startup (#160)
- Advanced validation – events not pervented when validation fails (#159)
- Extended auto properties text transform parser bug with CONCATENATE expression (#158)
3.2.7 #
Released on 2020-12-17
Bug fixes
- Http headers issues (#157)
3.2.6 #
Released on 2020-12-13
- Property value precalculation for auto properties and auto numbering (#152)
Bug fixes
- Calculated properties not recalculated on child change (#154)
- Auto numbering including self in vault search results (#153)
3.2.5 #
Released on 2020-12-02
Bug fixes
- Error in lookup comparison in property based modules (#151)
3.2.4 #
Released on 2020-11-30
- Include deleted flag in Auto numbering (#147)
Bug fixes
- Auto numbering ordering bug (#146)
3.2.3 #
Released on 2020-11-27
Bug fixes
- Error setting empty lookup value (#144)
3.2.2 #
Released on 2020-11-26
- Object creation in background (#140)
- Auto numbering allow counting continuation from existing property (#139)
Bug fixes
- Duplicate action execution when running in background (#143)
3.2.1 #
Released on 2020-11-21
- Act As User option for document processing actions (#138)
- Enabled flag, name and description for state actions (#136)
- New MultiSelectLookupBehavior: Remove (#135)
- Fix mapping
3.2.0 #
Released on 2020-11-12
- Auto numbering module (#126)
- Reporting module (#120)
- Document versioning module (#100)
- Status field condition in searches (#123)
- New trigger: ObjectChangeState (#121)
- Regex in property setter (#92)
- Description field on rules (#88)
- New functions in Automatic properties: Regex, Percentage, DateAdd, Substring, ToLower, ToUpper, Concatenate (#116, #28, #118, #1)
- Latest events shown in application dashboard (#117)
- Ignore system events flag in configuration (#115)
- Stop button for RunOnce rules (#114)
- Configurable timeouts (#112)
- Configurable COM error retries and handling (#48)
- New structure of Document processing actions (#98)
- Seaprated Document processing Remove watermark and Remove signature actions (#108)
- Filename wildcards in Document processing Remove and Restore actions (#107)
- Placeholders in Document processing (#97)
Bug fixes
- Property builder recalculation not executed (#130)
- Automatic properties value not being trimmed (#129)
- Unhandled error in e-mail notifications on-event check (#110)