This section refers to the target to which the source object properties will be copied or set. The following fields are available:
After specifying how to find the target, additional fields will appear accordingly. Under Properties, you can define the property details. Here is a detailed description of the Target fields and their respective values.
Find Targets #
This field specifies how to find targets. Choose between two options:
- ViaProperty (default): Select this option to use a property reference to find the target for the rule. This option reveals additional fields: Reference, Reference Direction, and Filter Conditions.
- ViaSearch: Select this option to execute a vault search to find the target for the rule. The Target Search field opens up.
Reference #
Target > Find Targets: ViaProperty > Reference
Displayed only when Find Targets is ViaProperty.
This is the property that acts as a reference between the source and target objects. Choose from the list of properties within a particular vault.
Reference Direction #
Target > Find Targets: ViaProperty > Reference Direction
Displayed only when Find Targets is ViaProperty.
This indicates the type of reference between the source and target objects, offering two options:
- Direct (default): Select this option if the source object references a target object via a given reference.
- Indirect: Choose this option if the target object references the source object via a given reference.
Filter Conditions #
Target > Find Targets: ViaProperty > Filter Conditions
Displayed only when Find Targets is ViaProperty.
These are optional search conditions that the target object needs to satisfy. Conditions within the filter are combined with the AND operator.
Target search #
Target > Find Targets: ViaSearch > Target search
Displayed only when Find Targets is ViaSearch.
Specifies the search conditions used to find targets for the rule. Multiple searches are combined with the OR operator, while multiple conditions within a single search filter are combined using the AND operator.
- Expand Target search.
- Click on Add search.
- Expand Search [1].
Additional fields become available: Status field conditions and Property Conditions.
Status field conditions #
Target Search > Search [1] > Status field conditions
Displayed only when Find Targets is ViaSearch.
These additional search conditions aid the search process by searching objects defined from the target based on a specific status.
- Expand Status field conditions.
- Click on Add Status field condition.
- Expand Status field condition [1].
Additional fields become available: Field, Value type, and Operator.
Field #
Target Search > Search [1] > Status field conditions > Field
Displayed only when Find Targets is ViaSearch.
Defines the status field as an additional search condition. Choose one of the following:
- ID: This option refers to the Object ID.
- ExternalID: This option refers to the Object ID from an external system.
- Type: This option refers to the Object Type.
- Version: This option refers to the object’s version.
- Deleted: If set to True, it refers to objects that have been deleted but not destroyed. If set to False, it refers to objects that have not been deleted.
Operator #
Trigger source > Dynamic search filters > Operator
Displayed only when Find Targets is ViaSearch.
The operator used for comparing actual and expected property values. Choose one of the following options to specify the condition in more detail:
- = (default): Checks if the monitored property is equal to the selected value.
- != : Checks if the property values are not equal.
- > : Checks if the first property value is greater than the second.
- < : Checks if the first property value is less than the second.
- >= : Checks if the first property value is greater than or equal to the second.
- <= : Checks if the first property value is less than or equal to the second.
Value type #
Target Search > Search > Status field conditions > Value type
Displayed only when Find Targets is ViaSearch.
Specifies expected property value. Select one of the following:
- Static: Select this option to set a static value as a target search condition.
- FromSource: Select this option to set a value from the source object.
- Dynamic: Select this option to set a dynamic value as a target search condition.
If Static or Dynamic value type is selected, an additional field becomes available: Value.
Value #
Target Search > Search > Status field conditions > Value type: Static / Dynamic > Value
Displayed only when Find Targets is ViaSearch, and Value type is Static or Dynamic.
Specifies either static or dynamic status field value. The following descriptions refer to the static value type:
- If the selected Field is Type, select from a value list of all object types.
- If the selected Field is Deleted, select Yes or No (default).
- If the selected Field is ID, ExternalID or Version, enter an integer.
Property conditions #
Target Search > Search > Property conditions
Displayed only when Find Targets is ViaSearch.
Search property conditions. Property values can be static or dynamic.
- Expand Property conditions.
- Click on Add Property condition.
- Expand Property condition [1].
Additional fields become available: Property, Operator, Value and Mode.
Properties #
Target > Properties
Specifies the properties to copy or set.
- Expand Properties.
- Click on Add Property setter.
- Expand Property setter [1].
By default, additional fields are available: Property, Value from, Value type, Value, Multi-select lookup & multi-line text behaviour, Add as additional property, Update option.
Property #
Target > Properties > Property setter > Property
Specifies property definition to set. Select from the list of available properties within a particular vault. The properties are referenced by a GUID or ID.
Value from #
Property setter > Value from
Specifies the option for searching the value. Choose one of the following options:
- Source (default): Searches for the value from the trigger source.
- Vault Search: Searches the vault.
- Specify: Specifies where to get the value from. If selected, additional fields are available: Static search filters for Value from, Dynamic search filters for Value from, Search results sort, Exclude source from search results.
Static search filters for Value from #
Target > Properties > Property setter > Value from: Specify > Static search filters for Value from
Displayed only if Value from is Specify.
- Expand Static search filters for Value from.
- Click on Add Static search filter.
- Expand Static search filter [1].
The Search condition field becomes available. This option specifies the static vault search filters. Multiple search filters are combined with the OR operator (at least one must be satisfied). Multiple search conditions within a single search filter are combined with the AND operator (all must be satisfied).
Dynamic search filters for Value from #
Target > Properties > Property setter > Value from: Specify > Dynamic search filters for Value from
Displayed only if Value from is Specify.
Dynamic expressions in these filters will be resolved from the trigger source. Multiple search filters are combined with the OR operator (at least one must be satisfied). Multiple search conditions within a single search filter are combined with the AND operator (all must be satisfied). NOTE! If static search filters are not set, then it is mandatory to include the target class condition in dynamic search filters.
- Expand Dynamic search filters for Value from.
- Click on Add Dynamic search filter.
- Expand Dynamic search filter [1].
The Dynamic search condition field becomes available.
- Expand Dynamic search conditions.
- Click on Add Dynamic search condition.
- Expand Dynamic search condition [1].
Additional fields become available: Property, Operator, Value and Mode.
Search results sort #
Target > Properties > Property setter > Value from: Specify > Search results sort
Displayed only if Value from is Specify.
Specifies how to sort search results.
- Expand Search results sort.
The following fields are available: Sort by and Sort direction.
Sort by #
Target > Properties > Property setter > Value from: Specify > Search results sort > Sort by
Displayed only if Value from is Specify.
Specifies the property by which the objects from the search result will be sorted.
Sort direction #
Target > Properties > Property setter > Value from: Specify > Search results sort > Sort direction
Displayed only if Value from is Specify.
Choose between ascending or descending order.
- Ascending (default)
- Descending
Exclude source from search results #
Target > Properties > Property setter > Value from: Specify > Exclude source from search results
Displayed only if Value from is Specify.
Specifies whether to exclude the source object from vault search results. This option is useful when there are multiple objects with the same name, as it allows users to exclude the object that triggered the rule.
- No (default): The source object will not be excluded from vault search results.
- Yes: The source object will be excluded from the vault search results.
Value type #
Target > Properties > Property setter > Value type
Controls how the value of the property will be calculated: either directly by copying the value from the source or as a function of selected property values.
- Value (default): The value of the property will be calculated directly by copying the value from the source. If this option is selected, additional fields become available: The Multi-select lookup & multi-line text behaviour and Value.
- Function: The value of property will be calculated as a function of selected property values. If this option is selected, an additional field becomes available: Function.
Value #
Target > Properties > Property setter > Value type: Value > Value > Mode
Displayed if Value type is Value.
Specifies the property value. It can be static or dynamic. When expanded, the Mode field becomes available. See the description of the values within Mode here.
Multi-select lookup & multi-line text behaviour #
Target > Properties > Property setter > Value type: Value > Multi-select lookup & multi-line text behaviour
Displayed only if Value Type is Value.
If the property is a multi-select lookup or multi-line text, this setting controls how the selected value will be added. There are three options:
- Overwrite (default): The existing value will be overwritten.
- Append: The selected value will be appended to the existing value.
- Remove: The value will be removed.
Function #
Target > Properties > Property setter > Value type: Function > Function
Displayed only if Value type is Function.
- Expand Function.
Additional fields are available: Functions group, Function, Function parameters.
Functions group #
Target > Properties > Property setter > Value type: Function > Function > Functions group
Displayed only if Value type is Function.
Specifies the type of function that will be used to calculate property value. The following options are available:
- Text (default)
- Date
- Numeric
- Regex
Function #
Target > Properties > Property setter > Value type: Function > Function > Function
Displayed only if Value type is Function.
Relates to a function that will be used to calculate property value. The available options depend on the selected Functions group.
When the Functions group is Text, choose one of the following:
- Concatenate (default)
- ToLower
- ToUpper
- ToLowerInvariant
- ToUpperInvariant
When the Functions group is Date, choose one of the following:
- AddHours
- AddDays (default)
- AddMonths
- AddYears
When the Functions group is Numeric, choose one of the following:
- Sum (default)
- Subtract
- Multiply
- Divide
- Average
- Percent
When the Functions group is Regex, there is one option:
- Extract (default)
Function parameters #
Target > Properties > Property setter > Value type: Function > Function > Function parameters
Displayed only if Value type is Function.
- Expand Function parameters.
The displayed options under Function parameters depend on the selected Functions group:
- When the Functions group is Text, these Function Parameters are available: Parameter and Separator. Under Parameter, these options are available: Parameter Type, Property and Lookup value separator.
- When Functions group is Date, these Function Parameters are available: Date, Value to Add, and Exclude non-working days. Under Date, these options are available: Date type and Date. Under Value to Add, these options are available: Value type and Value to Add. See the descriptions for this group here.
- When the Functions group is Numeric, this Function Parameters is available: Parameters. Under Parameters, these options are available: Parameter Type and Property.
- When Functions group is Regex, these Function Parameters are available: Parameters (the same as for the Text Functions group), Separator, Regex expression, Match index, Match group, and Start.
Below are the descriptions of all the Function Parameters options.
Parameters #
Target > Properties > Property setter > Value type: Function > Function > Functions group: Text / Numeric / Regex > Function parameters > Parameters
Displayed only if Value type is Function and Functions group is Text, Numeric or Regex.
Property or constant parameters to use in the function.
- Expand Parameters [0].
- Click on Add Parameter.
- Expand Parameter [1].
The following fields show up: Parameter Type, Property and Lookup value separator.
Parameter Type #
Target > Properties > Property setter > Value type: Function > Function > Functions group: Text / Numeric / Regex > Function parameters > Parameters > Parameter type
Displayed only if Value type is Function and Functions group is Text, Numeric or Regex.
Specifies the type of parameter to use in the function.
- Property (default): Select this option to specify the property. If selected, additional fields are available: Property and Lookup value separator.
- Constant: Select this option to enter a constant value. If selected, an additional field is available: Constant.
Property #
Target > Properties > Property setter > Value type: Function > Function > Functions group: Text / Numeric / Regex > Function parameters > Parameter [1] > Parameter type: Property > Property
Displayed only if Value type is Function, Functions group is Text, Numeric or Regex, and Parameter type is Property.
Specifies the property whose value will be used in the function.
Lookup value separator #
Target > Properties > Property setter > Value type: Function > Function > Functions group: Text / Regex > Function parameters > Parameter [1] > Parameter type: Property > Lookup value separator
Displayed only if Value type is Function, Functions group is Text or Regex, and Parameter type is Property.
When operating with a multi-select lookup property, a specified separator is used to concatenate lookup items. By default, it is ;.
Constant #
Target > Properties > Property setter > Value type: Function > Function > Functions group: Text / Numeric / Regex > Function parameters > Parameter [1] > Parameter type: Constant > Constant
Displayed only if Value type is Function, Functions group is Text, Numeric or Regex, and Parameter type is Constant.
Specifies a constant value that will be used as a parameter in the function.
Separator #
Target > Properties > Property setter > Value type: Function > Function > Functions group: Text / Regex > Function parameters > Separator
Displayed only if Value type is Function, and Functions group is Text or Regex.
When operating on multiple parameters, specified separator is used to concatenate results. By default, it is ;.
Date #
Target > Properties > Property setter > Value type: Function > Function > Functions group: Date > Function parameters > Date
Displayed only if Value type is Function, and Functions group is Date.
- Expand Date.
The following fields open up: Date type and Date.
Date type #
Target > Properties > Property setter > Value type: Function > Function > Functions group: Date > Function parameters > Date > Date type
Displayed only if Value type is Function, and Functions group is Date.
Specifies the date type.
- Property: Select this option if the date is included in the property.
- Constant: Select this option if you need to set the date manually.
- Today
- Now
Value to Add #
Target > Properties > Property setter > Value type: Function > Function > Functions group: Date > Function parameters > Value to Add
Displayed only if Value type is Function, and Functions group is Date.
- Expand Value to Add.
The following fields open up: Value type and Value to Add.
Value type #
Target > Properties > Property setter > Value type: Function > Function > Functions group: Date > Function parameters > Value to Add > Value type
Displayed only if Value type is Function, and Functions group is Date.
Specifies the value to be added to the selected Date type value.
- Property: Select this option to add other property’s value.
- Constant: Select this option to add a static value.
Value to add #
Target > Properties > Property setter > Value type: Function > Function > Functions group: Date > Function parameters > Value to Add > Value to Add
Displayed only if Value type is Function, and Functions group is Date.
Specifies the static value or other property’s value to add. If Value type is Property, choose a property from the list. If Value type is Constant, enter a value (0 is the default).
Exclude non-working days #
Target > Properties > Property setter > Value type: Function > Function > Functions group: Date > Function parameters > Exclude non-working days
Displayed only if Value type is Function, and Functions group is Date.
- No (default)
- Yes
Regex expression #
Target > Properties > Property setter > Value type: Function > Function > Functions group: Regex > Function parameters > Regex expression
Displayed only if Value type is Function, and Functions group is Regex.
Regex expression to match. The default is .* .
Match index #
Target > Properties > Property setter > Value type: Function > Function > Functions group: Regex > Function parameters > Match index
Displayed only if Value type is Function, and Functions group is Regex.
If multiple matches are found in the input string, the function will use the one at the specified zero-based index.
Match group #
Target > Properties > Property setter > Value type: Function > Function > Functions group: Regex > Function parameters > Match group
Displayed only if Value type is Function, and Functions group is Regex.
The function will use the specified matched group (zero-based).
Start #
Target > Properties > Property setter > Value type: Function > Function > Functions group: Regex > Function parameters > Start
Displayed only if Value type is Function, and Functions group is Regex.
The function will start matching regex in parameter values at specified zero-based index.
Add as additional property #
Target > Properties > Property setter > Add as additional property
Specifies whether to add the property to the object as an additional property when it does not exist on the target.
- No (default): If this option is selected, the property will be set only if it already exists on the object.
- Yes: If this option is selected, and the specified property does not exist on the target object, it will be added as an additional property to that object.
Update option #
Target > Properties > Property setter > Update option
Additional conditions for determining when the property value will be updated.
- Always (default): If this option is selected, the target property value will always be updated.
- OnlyWhenTargetEmpty: If this option is selected, the target property value will be updated only when it is found to be empty (execute once and do not override).
- OnlyWhenSourceNotEmpty: If this option is selected, the target property value will be updated only when at least one of the selected source property values is not empty (do not update the target with an empty value).