Auto number of new employment contract annexes #
Customer is using M-Files for HR processes. When an employee change is planned (e.g. new position, raise, etc.), new annex is created. Customer is numbering new annexes per Employee and per Company (as they have several subsidiary companies). Each employee has his annexes enumerated in order, e.g. 1, 2, 3 etc.
Configuration of auto numbering of new employment contract annexes #
Document type is Contract and Property whose value will be set is Contract ID.
Next, we need to define which value we want to set. In those cases that is Customer ID.
We want to add auto numbering for Employment Contract, so we set up Property Contract Category to Employment.
When new Contract is created, Contract ID will be automatically defined.
Auto numbering new contract versions in custom way #
Customer is using M-Files for different types of contract. Each type of contract has its own way of version numbering, e.g. A001, 1.0.0, 1.0. By using Auto Numbering Properties, all different types of contract have their version set.