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[Solved] EK: Data Transfer - How to export a list of documents / not a search result but the propertys listed on a process / metadata card

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Ive created a simple workflow which with the help of the EK adds Documents to this "Export Process"




Now i want to export the documents from the property "Dokumente" on this Metadata card. Is there a way for this? (Or how can I create a search for documents within a property on a MDC)




3 Answers

Hi Daniel, thank you for your detailed explanation of your use case and thank you for providing screenshot for solving one of the issues.

You can export metadata and/or files of connected objects by using the following property condition for objects to export with the operator "Is contained in":


In this case the "Name or title" property is name of the Document object/class and property {Document} is in the source object.


Regarding the issue with the creation of the folder path, unfortunately, that is a bug in the Data Transfer module.

I reported the bug ID 1207 to our DEV team and you can follow it in our release notes.

Daniel Mislovic Daniel Mislovic Topic starter 16/02/2024 2:33 pm

@viktorzagajski Thank you for the update. Great idea with is contained in, didn't thought about that.

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Folder Path is not created by MDC:

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And another thing: While using the Data Transfer Export Module, I define a search and its exporting also deleted documents. I cant search for just not deleted documents because of the search operator / property is this one and not the other one with the "empty or missing" option:



Question: How to define here a search which just contains "undeleted" documents?

Daniel Mislovic Daniel Mislovic Topic starter 15/02/2024 3:32 pm

How to search for not deleted:
